I just cancelled my subscription to my hometown newspaper. I’ve been reading the New York Times since sixth grade; but I no longer think of it as news. It’s opinion disguised as news. The final nail in the coffin for me was the firing of editor James Bennet following the publication of a controversial op-ed written by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR). I don’t agree with the senator; but I want to hear what he has to say. Bennet was forced out as a result of the groundswell of disapproval from the progressive group of journalists who dominate the newsroom. I needed to look no further than the public resignation letter of columnist Bari Weiss for validation of my view of the Times. The inmates are running the asylum.
The search for unbiased news led me to AllSides website. A non-profit group that analyzes major news sources and regularly updates us on where each news outlet fits, its website is a wonderful source of information about the media. Eschewing terms like radical or extremist, it places each news source in one of five columns. It looks like this.
Each day, the site features a major news story as reported right, left and center in a graphic. Here’s what it looked like the day after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
A shoutout for the locals
Rochester has been in the national news lately due to the coverup of the alleged homicide of Daniel Prude at the hands of Rochester Police officers. The revelation has brought protesters into the streets, much as we’ve seen in other cities across the nation. Our local daily newspaper — Gannett-owned Democrat & Chronicle — has been covering the events tirelessly and, most important, objectively. Reporters Will Cleveland, Steve Orr, Justin Murphy, Victoria Freile, Matthew Leonard and Brian Sharp among others have reported both sides of the story without emotional language, ensuring that both sides are heard. It’s great to know there are real journalists out there.
No matter which way your politics lean, you have to admire Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She fought for her passionately-held beliefs, overcame insurmountable obstacles and succeeded where others failed. She did so by following the rules while advocating for changing the rules. Her passion was matched by her perseverance, her integrity and her intelligence. She was a true American hero.